Drowning Mona (2000)
Wished They'd Drowned Me Instead...
4 December 2004
Normally, I can find just about ANYTHING that's a saving grace in a movie to have a small soft spot for it. NOT THIS MOVIE! I'm ashamed to say I saw it in the theaters and paid full price for it. I couldn't tell which would feel better...getting my money back or just being shot to make the movie end faster.

The characters are annoying as hell! The plot is one of the stupidest I've ever come across, and normally I like a good "murder mystery". If you could actually call this movie that. I believe that you were supposed to of course hate the character of Mona, played by Bette Midler, but in the long run I couldn't find a single character that I didn't want to kill off myself.

If you're thinking of watching this movie...please, don't. Go get hit by a car, eat shards of glass, or have an intellectual conversation with Paris Hilton. Just please, for the love of all that is holy, DO NOT watch this movie, even a masochist may find it too much torture to handle. Trust me. I'd give it a 0/10, but they don't have a rating THAT low.
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