Off the Map (2003)
A REAL film!!
20 November 2004
I saw this film at the High Falls Film Festival in Rochester NY, and had the pleasure of speaking with many of the people involved in this production. I have to say that this is one of the best films I have seen in a while. It's REAL... with a tranquil quality.. but REAL in a way that we can all see and relate to these characters in some way. It is a "slow" film... but that's what makes it so AMAZING.... it sucks you into these peoples lives... not just the girl.. but those surrounding her. I would love to see more films made like this. Cudos to Camble Scott for such great direction and Joan Ackermann for writing such a beautiful play.. that is now on the BIG SCREEN!!

Please, go see this film.. it takes you on an amazing ride.. BUT.. understand... that this is not an action flick... it is REAL... almost gritty and dreamy... one minute you will be laughing.. and seconds later your laugh will abruptly stop and tears may come to your eyes.. then.. back to laughter!!

I highly recommend this film!!!
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