Finally, A Film For US!
20 November 2004
BROTHER TO BROTHER is a first step in the right direction for Black gay film. Until now, all we've seen are campy, flamboyant caricatures, or deceitful, bisexual Black men destroying their families.

Anthony Mackie, I felt handled this role with great pride and dignity. I believe he captured the mindset of a young, angst ridden, creative, same gender loving soul. I'm actually considering renting SHE HATE ME when it comes out just to see his performance!

The one thing that bothered me (and I guess I'll have to rectify this when I write my films)) is the continued desire to show interracial coupling. Sure, it happens, but can we see some 'brother to brother' love once in awhile?

Overall, the film more than satisfied me. I have been in the habit, lately, of only going to see the mega-blockbuster films, but I'm glad I finally had a reason to get back to independent film. Finally, I'm seeing a part of me.
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