Review of Eating

Eating (1990)
Too much, too many, too repetitive
19 November 2004
Too many actresses - it was very confusing being inside Henry Jaglom's head. This mockumentary style movie obsesses on food and women all intertwined with sexuality.

Even Frances Bergen who plays a type of baffled sane matriarch looks as if she has had her problems with food in the past but in this movie she is astonished at the obsessive compulsive behaviour around food at this party she attends for her daughter's fortieth birthday.

Maybe she doesn't get out much in the shallow body-and-youth culture that is California. I would say that Henry was deliberate in keeping this movie without any depth. He just stockpiled it with far too many women (I lost track, they all looked vaguely alike and whined in the same sad key).

Go read a book, ladies, visit an art gallery, recite poetry, read for the blind. Far too much time on your hands. Get interesting. Maybe that was the point?

7 out of 10 for its daring - though it had to be a flop at the box-office.
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