What? No Oscar nom for Lange?
16 November 2004
Realism reigns supreme in this terrific melodrama. Despite a somewhat odd pace, Men Don't Leave manages to build into a remarkable journey for the viewer. This is in most part due to the wonderful work of an ensemble anchored by Lange. As a strong, pragmatic yet fragile widowed mother of two, Lange hits every emotional bullseye. I couldn't help but root for her-and cry with her-as she struggles to keep her small family (as well as her own sanity) intact, despite seemingly unsurmountable odds. Lange is aided by a top notch ensemble. Joan Cusack is hilariously disturbing as the no-nonsense nurse who dates Lange's teenage son, played by Chris O'Donnell. O'Donnell and Charlie Korsmo (as the younger son) both manage to astonish in their heart-tugging roles. A scene in which O'Donnell breaks down in front of Arliss Howard shows why the young actor would soon become a huge star. Props also go out to Kathy Bates, marvelous as Lange's tough-as-nails boss.
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