Review of The Prodigy

The Prodigy (2005)
excellent work by Kaufman, Boggs and David Rucker(F5 films)
10 November 2004
This was my first truly independent film that I have seen on the big screen.

If all independents made movies of this high quality, the big studios would be out of business. Holt Boggs(Fisher) and Matt Beckham(Doyle) deserve credit for their excellent acting that immerses you into the 2 hour movie. I have to say, however, that Beckham steals the show. He has an "in your face" type of attitude while at the same time provides some timely comic relief.

This film will not remind you of "Driving Miss Daisy". In the first 20 minutes, they use more bullets(blanks)and blood squibs than most movies ever use while Fisher's fight scene with Rains was masterfully choreographed later in the movie. If you are an action movie fan, this one is for you.

Hopefully F5 will get paid big for this effort. William Kaufman and Holt Boggs wrote an excellent story and first time movie producer, David Rucker, made it work.

If my name was Miramax or MGM, I'm on the phone tomorrow with them and showing this movie everywhere.
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