Wings of Fame (1990)
excellent film/spoiler
10 November 2004
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this film a few months ago and loved it so much that I purchased it. The story is very captivating. The idea that there is an afterlife set up based on the level of fame that you have achieved on earth is intriguing. One was rich and famous on earth but the fame died quickly once dead. The other had no fame but what he attained through killing the famous man. However, he seemed to learn the most from the incident and the aftermath. We were given no knowledge of what happened to the average person, really, except a glimpse of souls floating in the seas of purgatory. Is that the fate that awaits those that accomplish nothing in life? Excellent film to begin to explore the concept. Really believe it should be re-released in todays society...perhaps we have evolved enough to understand it or at least give it some thought.
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