Great Father and Son Movie
9 November 2004
This is one of my all time favorite movies and evokes so much emotion from my childhood. My father and I have watched this movie at least 10 times together and it never gets boring. It reminds me of my days when we used to go on hikes in the woods and we would sing the theme song with me in my little coonskin (it's fake for all you animal lovers) cap. I just cannot get enough of this movie. It grows on my every time I watch it. It is one of if not the best Robert Redford movie ever. He does a fantastic job in this movie. The scenery is beautiful and makes me wish I was there in that unspoiled area. The dialogue, though there is very little compared to other movies, is brilliant. The old adage quality not quantity fits this movie to a tee. There are numerous one liners that have been incorporated into my everday vocabulary. "You cook good rabbit pilgrim." "....the Rocky Mountains are the marrow of the world..." "Watch your top notch." "Watch Yur'n." I could go on and on. Each character is colorful in it's own distinct way, making even the most insignificant ones unforgettable. The theme music is both haunting and beautiful and I've been looking to buy or download the soundtrack so if anyone knows where I could send me an e-mail. Not only does this movie have great characters,acting, dialogue, music, and scenery, but it also is filled with action and has several interjections of humor. I feel as though this is one of the greatest movies of all time and the special moments you share with your family watching it, just make this movie even better. (A 9/10).
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