Review of Xchange

Xchange (2001)
X-Change this film for a good one
7 November 2004
In this film, humans are able to jump from body to body by means of a new form of technology. Why? Transport. Yes, it's a new means of transport; you swap bodies with someone at your destination, thus allowing you to get there instantly. Sounds ridiculous, and I cant think of a single reason why anyone would want to engage in this transaction, thus rendering this idea stupid; but, well, it's only a film. The movie follows the story of a corporate class man that must get to a meeting in a different town, and the only way to get there in time is to 'x-change'. Conversely, our hero is dead against the idea of x-changing so he initially refuses to do it. However, his boss drives a hard bargain, and after thirty seconds of relentless convincing; our hero is on his way to another man's body so he can attend the meeting! However, things aren't going to be that simple or we'd be in for a rather boring ride, so he unwittingly x-changes bodies with a terrorist that refuses to give his body back! Obviously, body stealing is a crime and therefore our guy can't simply stay in the body he's in, so he has to x-change with a clone. Don't you just hate it when that happens? However, it gets worse as clones only have a life span of approximately two days, so our hero must now race against time to stop the terrorists, sleep with as many women as possible and get his old body back! However, things are never that simple.... nah, just kidding; that's pretty much it.

Going back to the film's central really is stupid. Imagine if people were really able to 'body swap'; we'd never know who's who. I mean, what if your wife swapped bodies with Salma Hayek? Sure, you might THINK that would be good, but would it be really? ...Yeah, it probably would. Seriously though, it would be chaos; you'd soon get people abusing the privilege, and there'd be anarchy before you could say 'what a silly idea', due to all the terrorists swapping bodies with politicians and things like that. The actual idea of body swapping isn't that bad, but it should have been portrayed in a more feasible way. The film is also one of those very convenient ones, where whatever tools the characters need just magically appear to be there, and the film quickly becomes predictable because of this. It also doesn't fully capitalise on the central idea; it depicts a man in someone else's body, yet we hardly ever see the two on screen. If it had made more of a meal our hero 'seeing himself', the film would have been infinitely better. You can tell that the writers started to run out of ideas after a while too, as the final third is packed with sex that doesn't really serve any relevance to the plot at all.

It's a shame that this film isn't better as the idea could have built a really good film. It is hindered instantly by low production values, and the tired script and lack of invention don't do it any favours either. I would recommend watching this only if it's on and you have nothing else to do. Otherwise; you can afford to live your whole life without ever seeing this film.
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