The Alamo (2004)
What is Everybody's problem?
29 October 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Spoiler's if you don't know your history

This was a good movie. It was strong historically, powerfully acted, well written and well directed.

I've heard a lot of people complain about how the characters were portrayed and that it was undermining their sacrifice and making them look less heroic. This is the first time I've ever heard a long line of critic's criticize a movie for adding in some historical facts in order to make the character seem human.

This film received the most ridiculous criticism I have ever heard and some of these were from professional critics. The worse of these came from my local news paper critic, because I'm nice I wont mention the paper or the guy's name, but he criticized the fact that they showed Jim Bowey dieing in sick bed when the Mexican army barged in rather than actively participating a great deal in the battle. Last time I checked Bowey was dieing of tuberculosis and they showed him buttoning up his shirt, taking out his guns and fighting the best he could to the bitter end. I don't know what these people expected to do, have him jump up off of his death bed and start kungfuing everyone?

All of these men were portrayed in a realistic, powerful and skillfull way.

Don't listen to the nut jobs who are dishing out this undo criticism. See it and see the true story of the Alamo and the great men who gave there lives to defened it.
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