Bulletproof (1996)
Not original, but not the worst movie in the genre either.
30 October 2004
I'm not a big fan of Adam Sandler and I normally don't appreciate all those buddy / action comedies. But I have to admit that this movie wasn't even the worst in the genre. Yes from time to time it can even be quite enjoyable. However, there's already a huge list of this kind of movies and "Bulletproof" certainly isn't the best of them either.

Damon Wayans is an undercover cop who works with an unsuspecting criminal, played by Adam Sandler, to catch the big boss of a drug cartel. What happens next is a mix of a lot of action and some fun parts. The action sequences are nice to watch, but not every joke in this movie works very well. Still, in the end it isn't too bad, but like many action comedies, this one is very predictable and sometimes also very much over-the-top.

I guess this movie will be loved most by the people who like the genre or by the great fans of Sandler's work. Since I don't belong to any of these two groups, I give it only a 5.5/10.
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