Hallow's End (2003 Video)
Hallow's Rear End
23 October 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Spoiler'S AHEAD? WHO KNOW'S....

It's unfortunate you can't sue a video store for providing shelf space for boxes of defecation like 'Hallow's End'. My wife and I are fans of low-budget films, but there has to be at least (1) redeeming quality, such as the following:

1. interesting effects 2. good or original storyline 3. believable characters 4. decent gratuitous sex or violence scenes 5. pacing (that's a gallup, rather than a snail going uphill)

Well, Hallow's End fell short in every respect. I thought... hmmmm... "Girl-on-girl love scene? You don't see that very often in a horror movie." ZZzzzzzzz... That soon fell as flat and limp as Anna Nicole Smith's last husband. There were certainly possibilities for any of the (5) redeemers to come to fruition, but everyone missed the boat. Some people will say that low-budget films have an excuse to be bad. Think of such great horror films as: Night of the Living Dead (the original), Halloween, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Nightmare on Elm Street and my personal favourite, The Evil Dead. All of these movies had genuine scares and when faced with miniscule budget constraints all of them came up with ingenious ideas to pull-off some interesting effects. 'Hallow's End' is just another piece of crap to toss on the ever-growing pile of pointless, poorly-made 'horror' films. Too bad... My rating: 0/5 stars
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