Team America Checklist
25 October 2004
The one thing I noticed while attempting to breathe during this movie was that people were walking out in between bursts of hysterical laughter.

Unfortunately, this movie is not for everyone. I wish it didn't offend some but it does. So, if you want to know whether you will enjoy this film or not, you must answer "yes" to the following:

1. I am not offended by the "F" word. Being repeated 300 times.

2. I am not offended by intense marionette sex.

3. I am not offended by racial satire.

4. I am not offended by ridiculous political satire.

5. I am not a member of the Film Actor's Guild.

If you're like me and have answered "yes" to the above five questions, go see this film. You will laugh so hard it will hurt and you will giggle about it for the next week thereafter.

I have to say that I am very desensitized when it comes these kinds of films, and I'd say that Team America has raised the bar in derogatory humor. But that only made it more hilarious. I give it 5 stars, two thumbs up, 10 out of 10; it was flawless. But...

On the other hand, if you're not like me, you might find yourself walking out by the third time you hear the song, "America, F*** Yeah!"
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