Review of Kikujiro

Kikujiro (1999)
One of the best and most beautiful films about growing love between man and a boy
23 October 2004
Maybe Takeshi Kitano remembered his travel with his father (Kikujiro), maybe he just wanted to show his father just like he wanted to see him. Anyway this film, despite of very few words and quite simple dialogue lines, shows so many emotions that after seeing it, sometimes laughing, sometimes sad and full of empathy, i have spent many days thinking of it. How can grown-up simple man witch is not quite good in relationships with people, can spent so much time with little boy. How so violent person can show beautiful world to sad little boy. Takeshi is one of my favorite actor/director/writer. I discovered him just by being bored with all-the-same Hollywood movies. Now, thanks to him, I'm truly in "love" with Asian movies. For those who liked this movie, and wants to see some good others, see the Hana-Bi (little violent, but even more deep) and Dolls (i was crying - one reason was i was touched, second - beauty of the colors and form).....For me its just one word - Outstanding.
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