Review of Fortier

Fortier (2001– )
Superior crime drama
15 October 2004
This is one of the best crime drama programs I've ever seen. It's on a level with the British "Prime Suspect." Both lead actresses of these programs are complex and highly watchable.

The character of Anne Fortier, played by Sophie Lorrain, is an amazing woman, displaying strength and vulnerability along with compassion and intelligence. Her portrayal of the psychologist as shrewd and intelligent, as well as emotionally fragile, doesn't contain a false note.

I've been watching the program on English CBC but don't think that they ran the whole series. In any case, I was very grateful to discover this french gem. Along with the starring actress, there were many more fascinating and wonderful actors, playing interesting and complex roles.

The two male cops, the older and younger partners, were quite funny and endearing. Fortier's boss was also an intriguing character. Every character was densely drawn and made the viewer want to know more.

I can only hope that the CBC brings back the concluding chapters as I would like to know what happens to Anne, and just what happened to her when she worked in a penitentiary.
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