Another historical winner from Tony Robinson
9 October 2004
Excellent and engaging series of programmes focusing on various distasteful professions from the different ages of England since (roughly) 1066.

Once again Tony Robinson (of Blackadder fame) takes his interest in history down another avenue from his Time Team series. Whether it be Tudor or Georgian or any of the other ages of the past 900 years or so one is able to get a glimpse of the jobs on the lower rung of the ladder. Not only does Mr Robinson speak in his usual easy manner of the facts behind his choices but also gets his hands dirty by having a go himself. Swallowing a toad or being knee-high in urine to step into the shoes of those from the past do not deter him from realising the former hardships that once affected individuals whose task it was to perform these duties. Not for the squeamish indeed.

I have always looked forward to Mr Robinson's programmes and this one was certainly not a disappointment. I look forward to more of his efforts in the future. Truly enjoyable and edifying.
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