not yet retired?
6 October 2004
I am wondering why Jackie Chan is still making movies instead of going with early retirement. There is not one single good movie in his whole career and this one is also not much better. Every single stunt we have seen in his other movies, every single funny moment has been done about a hundred times. Maybe it's because this is for people without brains to watch or for the masses who just want one and a half hour with popcorn, a coca-cola and go home again. I must say though that the story in this movie is better than in all his other movies, and it is moving at times. But that's about it. The worse thing however for me was the fact that AGAIN his Hong Kong movies (In Kantonese) get a mandarin dubbing, ad Indonesian translation (subtitles) and it is even worse. Above average though, but if someone will grant Jackie early retirement, I won't shed a tear.
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