Black Cloud (2004)
Full of heart and soul
3 October 2004
The first time I saw Black Cloud was back in April when it screened at the Nashville Film Festival. I was the VIP Coordinator of NFF, and I had the privilege of meeting Rick and Andrea Schroder, two of the film's stars, Eddie Spears and Julia Jones, as well as the cinematographer, Steve Gainer on their visit. During the festival, I was so overwhelmed with all my responsibilities, I hardly got the chance to see many films, but I made an exception for Black Cloud and slipped into a seat right next to the cast and watched intently as the story unfolded. Being a film major in college, I always had an affinity for independent film. Maybe it's the vulnerability of indie films that make me want to root for the underdog, but regardless of genre, Black Cloud was instantly at the top of my list. I loved each and every minute of it. I'm not sure what exactly made the most impact on me, whether it was the inspirational story of overcoming challenges that is universal to all of us as humans, the need kids have these days for a hero and a role model and how well the character of Black Cloud responded to that need, or if it was the energy I felt as I sat so close to the cast, watching through their eyes, as they poured out their hearts and souls onto the screen. For almost a month now, I've been working with Rick and Andrea on the distribution and release of Black Cloud, so it's taken on a much more personal meaning for me. Each and every day, I see what a labor of love this project has been for the Schroder family and that three years of their lives have been devoted to Black Cloud. Not everyone gets the opportunity to see firsthand how the process of releasing a film works, with all the ups and downs and roller-coaster of emotions that are all part of a new director's dreams becoming a reality. I feel lucky that I get to be a part of it and I'll take so much of this experience with me as I continue on my own career path. Regardless of ticket sales and dollar signs, this film is already a success in my eyes. Getting to see the positive reaction audiences have after they see the film only fuels my fire in how much I believe in the message and success of this film. If it's touched one, it's touched thousands and I only hope everyone gets the opportunity to see it. If you have not seen Black Cloud already, I'd suggest you run as fast as you can to the theatre nearest you. I promise the inspirational boost you'll get from watching the film far outweighs the $8 ticket.
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