Dead Man's Gun (1997–1999)
A different movie than what I really thought it was.
1 October 2004
I just recently saw this film on satellite TV and its completely different than what the IMDb description says it is. The IMDb description explains that its about a tainted gun that cursed the lives of many people in a western town. Well, according to the "Dead Man's Gun" I saw, the cast of characters was totally different from the list of characters I read in the description. So I mean unless there's 2 different films with the same title then I guess I should have seen that coming LOL...... but..... anyways.......

One of the actors who was in the "Dead Man's Gun" that I saw was Gordon Tootoosis. He played the grandfather of the girl who got brutally raped by that white trapper Boucher. Unfortunately Native women were really raped by white men, and the biggest problem was that no one ever believed the women if they came forward to tell other whites about it. But they dared not tell any other whites about what happened because first of all, it was none of their business anyway and secondly, if they did say anything about it to let's say other WHITE women, the Native women would have only been more ridiculed and scolded by them so it obviously best if they just kept it to themselves and their families. If a whole white town heard about it like the way that Native girl did, she would have felt guilty about herself. However Native people in those days usually didn't give 2 hoots about what white people thought about them since they just wanted to be left alone and live their lives in peace. Everyone in the white town would have accused the Native girl that she got herself into that kind of mess rather than blaming the white man who raped her!! Of course the real blame lies with that trapper who did that to her. Racism towards Native people was just too profound back in the 1800's and if whites ever found out that a Native woman got raped by a white man, everyone would have taken his side rather than defending the girl. It's a really sad fact but unfortunately that's the way things were back then.

But......... anyways........... I found this to be a really good historical drama and I strongly suggest that people try to get it on VHS or DVD if they've never seen it yet and of course if it happens to be available. Too bad I can't vote on this particular film because if I could, I'd give it a 9 out of 10. Thank you kindly IMDb for allowing me to post another comment on my 52nd title!! :D
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