Review of The Lizard

The Lizard (2004)
An interesting film SPOILER
19 September 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Being a practicing Muslim myself, hearing the storyline of the film gave me reservations. An Iranian film about a thief escaping prison by emulating and dressing as a religious scholar, I knew the film was going to deal with sensitive religious and political matters. Although not Iranian myself, I was aware of cynicism towards the Iranian government and its religious rulings on its citizens.On that basis I knew that when I had to judge the film I had to also try to understand it from the perspective of an Iranian living under the government.

When I saw the film, however, I realized that it had a deeper meaning than I thought it would. I found it to be an intelligent film that had a comical plot and funny parts but with more serious implications. The thing I most like about the film is that it is quite fair and balanced. The thief, after pretending to be a religious scholar, realises that God is good and finds religion during this point, instead of criticising religion. This helps to show a distinction between the perfection of religion and the imperfection of human beings, who at times misuse religion.

However whilst saying this I did find some parts of the film quite offensive to religion such as the mockery of the young boys who were inspired by the scholar.Overall I thought the film was quite deep and was made in a clever manner but the issues dealt with were too sensitive and quite offensive at times.
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