A poor movie from the eighties?
30 June 2004
I am a real fan of war movies but this must be on of the worst I have seen in my whole life. First of all it is hard to believe it was really made last year. No, its whole appearance is more like some poor action movie from the early eighties. The plot is awful and the dialogue is parody.

The lack of realism in the action scenes (more or less 98% of the movie) is also stunning. Of course I am no expert in combat tactics, but do US marines really take a rest on the beach in a neat little clump just after they disembarked? That is just one of few obvious unrealistic action they take.

The movie goes from bad to worse and frankly it is a big joke. I must admit that my friends and I had good laugh, even though I don't think that was what director had in mind when he made film. So, a big warning for this one, it is a waste of time.
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