Raptor Island (2004 TV Movie)
If Jurassic Park were made with a bunch of 12 year olds with toy guns, you'd have this movie.
21 August 2004
Warning: Spoilers
I mean, come on! The CG is terrible. An amateur on his home computer could make better dinosaurs. The actors are horrible as well.

First off, I'd like to give some reasons as to why the story sucked.


First off, two forces from different nations, caught up in a fight next to the island was a poor way to get a few people killed by dinosaurs. It lacked creativity.

Second, a plane crashes, causing radiation to spill on to the island, turning the creatures on the island into these raptor creatures. I would like to inform the makers of this film, that nuclear radiation in 40 years will not turn back time. Lizards will not become Raptors of the dinosaur age. Therefore one of two things has happened here. A) The idea behind the story defies evolution, or B) These aren't real Raptors.

Whoever told the actors where to shoot, obviously didn't speak before hand with the FX guys, because the actors shoot all over the place, and never hit the raptors. I saw a shot, where 5 raptors were directly in front of a guy, and he shot the tree to the side. He constantly shot the tree, and never the raptors. Also, whenever a raptor is shot, red gas comes out of the hole, then a bit of blood drips out. What are these things, balloons?

One more thing. Whenever the raptors bite or slash someone before eating them, the person disappears, and there's only a few drops of blood. Not bodies, and gushes. Totally un-realistic. Bodies don't disappear.

I hated this film. I went into it hoping to see a movie with dinosaurs that did not steal from Jurassic Park. I was very disappointed. The raptors looked like the Jurassic Park raptors, and the big raptor looked like the Carnotaur from Disney's Dinosaur.

I would not recommend this movie to anyone. It down right stank.
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