Review of Raptor Island

Raptor Island (2004 TV Movie)
This "Movie" Insulted My Sci-Fi Intelligence!!!
21 August 2004
Never before have I ever thought that a movie could be as bad as this, but this one is!!! The story line is OK, the acting is tolerable and I totally adore Lorenzo Lamas and Steven Bauer (they are totally hot!!!), most of the other actors parts were "ok" for me, but the CGI is so horribly done that it insults everyone involved (actors, producers, directors, FX people, and especially the viewers to the point where this is the worst made film I have ever seen. For instance: when you shoot an animal with an AK-47; blood is SUPPOSED to spurt out of its body, not just disappear into thin air and it supposed to at least flinch a muscle or two from being shot. If you have seen this movie, you know what I am talking about. Through out the entire movie where you see raptors, it is tooo apparent that they are very poorly done CGI. The special effects person should NOT put this movie in their resume'!!! I love almost all sci-fi movies and dinosaur movies like "Jurassic Park" (all of them), Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's "The Lost World", etc... and am a very forgiving person when it comes to graphics, scripts, and even acting, but everyone involved with the making of this movie should be VERRRRRY ashamed of themselves for ever allowing their names to ever be associated with it. Thank God I saw it on cable and didn't have to pay to see it (only the 2 hellaciously long hours it took for it to finally end). The only frightening moment about this movie for me was that I was totally mortified that blood was going to shoot out of my own eyes just for watching this piece of crap!!! But Lorenzo and Steven are still two of Hollywood's Hunks that are always very easy on my eyes!!! I rate this movie a 2 out of 10 (one for Lorenzo and one for Steven!!!!) They are the ONLY reason I kept watching this abomination. If they weren't through out the entire movie, I would have shut off my TV 5 minutes after the CGI effects started!!
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