Screen Two: A Very Open Prison (1995)
Season 11, Episode 1
Precursor to Crossing the Floor
4 August 2004
David Hanratty (Tom Wilkinson) makes his debut as a self-serving, venal Home Secretary dealing with a breakout from a private prison (run by the Alcatraz Prisons company..) Anyone who remembers the mid-1990s in the UK may recall how frequently this appeared to happen to the Tory Home Secretary at the time.... The cast also includes Stephen Tompkinson as a Psychotic escapee and Emily Mortimer as the minister's aide. Ronald Pickup also appears as the head of the Alcatraz group who has made a miraculous recovery from Alzheimers' (brought on by prosecution....) Written & directed by Guy Jenkin from "Drop the Dead Donkey" and includes a cameo by Andy Hamilton (co-writer).
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