For Hilary fans only
26 January 2004
This is Hilary's first DVD as a music artist, and it is a very disappointing effort. The overall feel is somewhat amateurish, as it is obvious not enough work has been applied to make it as good as it should be. My guess is that since Hollywood Records reckoned teenage girls would only buy it, they did not have to make a serious attempt. The new single, "Come Clean" is not included. To be fair though, it may have been filmed after the DVD was released. It would have been a better DVD if the makers waited until this video could have been included. It is ironic that the DVD was released a week after Hilary's Sydney visit, in late October 2003. "Why Not" and "So Yesterday" are in here, as expected. The "live" performances are something of a con, as Hilary is merely lip-syncing the actual CD performance. At AUD$19.95, I suppose there is not too much to complain about.

I felt bored after only watching it for 20 minutes.

On the plus side, the audio is encoded in "loss less" PCM format. This is much more desirable than Dolby or DTS 5.1, where a lot of the information is lost in the process. The DVD sounds as good at the CD. It is good to see that late release music DVDs are increasingly including this as a standard feature.

Needless to say, the only market for this title is Hilary Duff's fans. This is not a title you would like to surprise some one with.

Britney Spears' "Time out with Britney Spears" and Mandy Moore's "The Real Story" are much more convincing music DVDs. With these titles, you feel that you are getting your money's worth.

On a broader level, I feel that music video DVD format is still not fully developed, and is nowhere near its true potential.

`Hilary Duff: All Access Pass' is proof of this.
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