To much sex, not enough character development-movie had no edge.
21 April 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Lets face it, this story is a sleazy one and when you tune in you know your not gonna see a story about little bo peep. But even knowing this, I was not prepared for the DEPTH of the sleaziness.

Firstly-to many shots of Heidi fleiss having sex. WHO CARES? I mean everyone knows Heidi fleiss has had sex in her life-why feel the need to make a movie about it? This was called "the rise and fall of Heidi fleiss" not Heidi fleiss having a lot of sex.

Secondly-I couldn't buy into some of this stuff-I'm not saying it didn't happen like this but...Heidi fleiss REALLY found girls to work for her by standing outside high schools and approaching females? I was a bit skeptical but hey what do I know...

Thirdly-the character of Heidi just got on my nerves after awhile-I thought this movie might be a character sudy and that would be OK and make up for the sleaze factor-only it wasn't. I think the makers were trying to do the "little girl lost" thing but all it did was make me really not like Heidi fleiss-especially when she stole her former boss's business. In fact I almost turned off the movie there.

The Charlie sheen clone thing was tacky and tasteless.

In fact the whole movie was pretty much the same. I like TV movies about real people if their done well. I like character studies. What we had here was lots of hookers looking sexy and numerous shots of Heidi having sex and double crossing people and not much more. But then again-maybe, after all there isn't a whole lot more to this story. In any event-only positive-Jaimelyn's performance as Heidi. The rest-skip it. 2 out of 10 stars.
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