Jackie Chan is back and he is in a serious role!
24 September 2004
The new movie from Jackie Chan deviates from his last few American box office duds as he plays a serious and dramatic role as a Hong Kong police officer. This movie is in fact very good.

Don't expect death defying stunts at this point of Jackie Chan's career. There are some short and fast fight scenes but they are not anything you haven't seen before (except in his American movies). This time Jackie's girl is Charlie Young/Yeung, whom came out from retirement to work on this movie. Jackie's partner is Nicholas Tse, who did a lot of his own stunts in this movie.

The story is simple and is not very believable. With that out of the way, you will enjoy Jackie's seriousness in acting. In many scenes you can see his tears (and no one in the theater was laughing).

This is a breath of fresh air from his last few big duds. The thing is Jackie is in total control making his movies in Hong Kong and he can make the movies he wants.
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