Review of Bad Apple

Bad Apple (2004 TV Movie)
looks interesting, but avoid
23 February 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Like me, you might want be thinking about watching this movie for the "name" actors in it and the promise of a funky, funny mob laugh-up. Believe me, you shouldn't waste your time. Half way into this horribly ill-concieved production, I knew that I was too invested to stop watching but would regret every moment of the next hour. I stuck it out and, yes, I did regret every moment of the second hour.

Even if you are a fan of late-night, beer-soaked trash TV (like me), this isn't worth your time and will make all but the dimmest of people angry with all the horribly weak plot developments. Worse than the worst Three's Company episodes you'll find yourself screaming over and over again about how, if they only just acted like they were as smart as they were supposed to be (re: 3rd graders), non of the characters would act the way they do.

SPOILERS: Why doesn't Chris Noth call the FBI instead of 911 (he must have a toll-free number for that)? Why doesn't the pigeon just shoot the guy from T2 at the crucial moment (even the worst James Bond movies weren't so lame)? I could go on, but the real question is, Why doesn't everyone who ever gets into a pickle in this movie do anything to get out of it -- when it's so easy to get out that pickle and staying in it is the hardest thing to do?

Totally frustrating, every character totally hatable, totally nonsensical in every way, this is the only movie that has ever inspired me to actually register with IMDB to make a comment. As a big fan of bad movies, I have to say that when I read reviews like the one I just wrote, I usually want to watch the movie. PLEASE, this is the exception. You will be so bored. Easily the worst TNT movie ever made.

Mr. Noth (executive producer, lead actor), what the hell were you thinking? I can't help but think how you've sabotaged your own career.
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