Windy City Heat (2003 TV Movie)
The most unfunny thing I've ever seen.
23 October 2003
Warning: Spoilers
*Warning - Spoilers*

When playing a practical joke - fictitious or not (given the reality of the characters coming into question recently) - you need to follow one cardinal rule: Don't be mean. When all is said and done, you want the person you've pranked to laugh with you. I watched a significant portion of this movie (more than half), and not once did I think that any of the so-called "pranks" played on the lead were the least bit funny.

Not only was this person robbed of time that he could have spent pursuing an actual role in a film that actually existed, but during this he was subjected to some of the most cruel, demeaning, and malicious stunts by people that were supposedly his friends. In one scene, the main character is thrown into a dumpster filled with fecal matter several times. In another, one of his "friends" throws a basketball full-speed at his face. In yet another, he is entrusted with protecting a craft services table, only to have the same "friend" knock it over after being told repeatedly to stay away from it.

In still another sequence, the lead and his "friends" have 45 minutes to get ready for a screening of their film, and the lead gets locked out of his hotel room by his "friends" for 20 minutes. Then, on the drive there (bear in mind they have approximately 15 minutes to reach the theater or else their movie won't be released according to a taped message), the other "friend" demands that the driver stop at a convenience store and buy the exact kind of bottle water he likes. As if that weren't enough, they waste more time inside the store harrassing the owner's daughters, STILL more time as the driver implores the lead to listen to the driver's garage band. Eventually, the driver is given several drinks of alcohol, and RUNS A RED LIGHT before reaching the theater.

None of this is funny in the slightest. People who laugh at this would probably laugh at the same lead character getting clubbed in the knees and having his house burn down. Even if this was all fake, it doesn't alter the fact that what's displayed in this movie is pure, unadulterated malevolence towards a person who doesn't appear to deserve any of it. (Not to say that he was an angel himself, but his actions pale in comparison to what his "friends" did.) The people involved with this movie ought to be ashamed of themselves. If the events in this movie are indeed real, I hope the people who orchestrated this prank are put in stocks. Then again, I should have expected no better from Jimmy Kimmel - a man who considers vulgarity and unwarranted humiliation high comedy.

Comedy Central was once the channel of Mystery Science Theater 3000 and Whose Line is it Anyway. Now it's South Park, Crank Yankers, and Windy City Heat. I am never watching this channel again, for allowing a piece of filth such as this to be greenlighted, much less aired.
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