Review of Greendale

Greendale (2003)
Still in awe
25 March 2004
Neil Young's music is deceptively simple. At first there doesn't seem to be a lot going on...however in the end you'd be hard pressed to find more powerful or meaningful songwriting. If you agree with this statement, then there is a good bet that you will enjoy this film. If not...well you might wanna steer clear. I've seen a lot of negative comments on this film, and I guess it can be said that it is either a movie that you will either love, or be confused and put off. I personally loved it. You don't have to be a fan of Young's to enjoy this, but it would sure help,as there is no spoken dialog whatsoever...the story is told exclusively through the songs on the album. It is a bit confusing at first, but as Neil wrote in the liner notes "Don't feel bad if you feel a little out of it...I mean I wrote it and I don't know what the hell is going on" The grainy film seemed annoying at first, but quickly fits the mood of the film. And admittedly the "lip syncing" of the dialog seems a bit corny at first, but that is something you get used to as well. What you are left with is a story beautiful in it's simplicity. Can I explain why? I'm not sure...I found myself completly mesmerized by the film. The music never gets complicated, but is so damn addicting, I found myself bobbing my head througout the film. I had the album since it came out, but never fully appreciated it until I had the visual companion. Now the songs take on new meaning. It's hard to judge the cast since there isn't really any acting, but everyone plays their parts well. (I personally would like to see more of Sarah White) In the end, it's a simply shot movie about simple folk in a simple town, told entirely by "simple" songs...however like his albums, at the end of it all I was left sitting in awe at what I had just experienced.
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