Bagland (2003)
Bad but Good
6 April 2004
The movie wasn't absolutly brilliant, and wasn't too gripping.

However, even though it wasn't the best movie i'd ever seen, i quite enjoyed it. I thought it was good because of: A) The cinematography B) because it addressed quite a lot of issues about teen problems

It was also interesting because I love seeing foreign films and looking at different cultures. I went to see the film as part of a film festival where I live, it was the first film to be screened.

It got me hooked in the first 5 mins, but I kinda lost my attention after a bit. There was no real story, or buildup, but the characters were very believable, which made up for the lack of major story.

The way it was filmed also made up for the lack of plot. I loved the camera work, it was almost like watching a day in the life of Millie, like she was a real person.

The ending to the film was quite sudden, but had a nice lead into the credits.

The only confusion I had was why the film was named "Scratch" (Danish=Bagland, translated to Scratch in English).

The film is probably most appealing to teenagers who have had problems (thats all of us right??) but problems in the specific areas of say sex/drug abuse/violence.
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