Going for Broke (2003 TV Movie)
20 July 2003
Delta Burke and Gerald McRaney are married in real life, however, in this picture, you sure feel sorry for poor Gerald McRaney. Delta Burke has a very hard time trying to get away from the ONE-ARMED BANDITS of Las Vegas. The film is very upsetting and I suppose that is what the actors are trying to portray and they both sure did a great job in their acting skills. Delta goes completely OUT OF CONTROL, neglects her son and daughter, husband. Delta wins $50,000 and turns around and gives it right back to the Casino's, she even takes $10,000 from her mother and it seems to just vanish in thin air. Just watching someone lose their entire life and family to gambling is very disturbing, however, it has a great message to all people who someday have to face the fact that they have a problem with gambling and need immediate HELP before they destroy themselves and everyone around them who love them dearly. Thanks to Delta & Gerald for a wonderful moral picture.
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