Quite staggeringly brilliant comedy
19 July 2003
I've just seen the third episode tonight, and this really is the most staggeringly brilliant comedy I've had the pleasure to view in a great many moons. Quite why ITV has decided to move it to the 11pm slot on a Saturday night I know not, but I would thoroughly recommend that you check out the rest of the series and then rush to acquire a copy as soon as it's released on DVD or video.

The characterisation, script, performances and plot are all excellent - Hugh Laurie, Anna Chancellor and Peter Capaldi are all at their very best, and there's some quite stunning physical comedy from Mr Capaldi in particular. All the supporting roles are excellently played as well, particularly the three sons, their two inane girlfriends and Ms Chancellor's employer (the ever-wonderful Sheila Hancock).

All of which may sound a tad hyperbolic, but if I'd just said "Well, it's about this doctor facing a midlife crisis, he's worried that his wife may run off with someone else, his practice partner is psychotic and obsessed with his wife, his teenage sons can't stop either thinking about, or having, sex, and meanwhile he can't remember the last time he actually had any himself," I'd never really have got it out of my system, now would I?
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