Not bad at all for it's target audience
5 October 2003
First I need to say that I know way more about Bionicles that any adult should. I have an autistic son and anyone who knows autism knows that obssessive compulsive behavior comes with it. Well, his obsession (one of them anyway) is Bionicle. I know their names, their skills, where they come from, you name it. You can't go into any room in my house without stepping on a Bionicle. Anyway, I of course had to get the dvd the day it came out and was as excited as my son to watch it. The animation is first rate for a direct-to-video movie. Of course it's not Pixar but it wasn't supposed to be. The storyline is somewhat juvenile and you definately need to know the backstory to know what the heck is going on but the target audience is juveniles who know the story. All in all I liked it. After repeated viewings I'm getting a little tired of it but my son and our other kids do enjoy it and I think it's a well made movie that delivers what it promises. It never claims to be more than it is and from what I've seen on tv and the web, they aren't trying to push it on anyone other than Bionicle fans. I have to give LEGO some credit for that. They know who is going to like it and they're happy with that.

If you or your kids like the toys then the movie is for you. If you don't, well, wait for Finding Nemo.
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