Overall good movie, Liev Schreiber was brilliant as always
31 July 2004
To be totally honest, I really had no plan in watching this particular movie, it had no appeal to me at all, except the fact that Liev was in it. I just watched it in replacement of The Village, because it was sold out. Anyways, as i was watching it, I realized I underestimated this movie. It turned out better than i expected. the cast was great, everyone almost fit their part. Maryl Streep, was also great. For example, you see throughout the movie that she becomes more and more obsessed with her son (Liev) and his candidacy. You'll see both of them share an intimate, but strange part together later in the film, which they played off perfectly. The movie itself was mind bending, it forced the viewers to think in order to fully understand every small and important detail. It's very mind-twisting and though it had tiny flaws, it's overall a very good movie and totally worth seeing. I give it a 9/10.
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