They somehow managed to screw up everything.
12 June 2004
This movie is unwatchable. I found every single feature of it to be revolting.

For one, we have the effects. Every single bullet shot is a lame CGed blue pulse.

Two, they obviously didn't have anybody research military tactics. When the bugs are about to attack, instead of holding out inside the base and killing the bugs in hemmed-in territory (a la Sun Tsu), they move outside the base and massively expand their front. When the troops send a runner to inform someone that the bugs were coming, they send a heavy weapons operator, complete with his heavy gun.

Moreover, the behavior of the General is completely stupid. He acts like a Corporal at BEST.

The music is VERY poorly chosen, and never fits the scenes. Foreshadowing is very overt. Even the directing is shoddy... when the psychic fellow hallucinates, they use very ambiguous effects to signify it.

Please, avoid this movie at ALL COSTS. I swear, it couldn't have cost more than $50,000 to make...
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