Funny but eerie.
27 April 2004
Just finished watching this movie. Well, in my opinion, this movie was a really well done movie. Although I thought that the first scene was absolutely hilarious. Anyway, the movie did start very extremely fast. The makeup for the zombies was fantastic.

The biggest problem that I had with the film is the fact that there was absolutely no build-up whatsoever. It wasn't eerie or creepy like the first one. It pretty much just jumps right in and after that, everything moves really fast. You don't really even get time to "bond" with the main characters so you end up not really caring if they live or die.

Also, they changed the location! I know to most people, that doesn't matter at all. Other than that, it was a really fun movie. Some really great kill scenes and the zombies totally kicked ass. Some of the characters were really likable and funny and it was nice to see Tom Savini make a cameo.

And I don't think any movie that is supposedly remade can be called that at all. Since every director who remakes a movie wants to put there own little spin on the movie (I'm referring to Texas Chainsaw Massacre) which I loved. The only part I was really hoping to have seen in the new TCM was the part where the old grandpa guy was sucking blood outta her fingers, and well, the sledgehammer part. If you have seen the original, you will know what I am talking about. The nastiest part in that whole entire movie.

Back to DOTD, good movie, it started really fast, I love the celebrity shoot-out, I loved the zombies, the ending was depressing, and it was a good take on an old movie.

6 out of 10.
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