Original vs. Remake
28 March 2004
I think the remake improved on some things, but fell short in others.

In the remake they had no where else to go but the mall. As opposed to the original where they stay there even though they have a fully functional helicopter. There were a lot of times they should have just hopped in the copter and got out of there.

A lot of purists like the sluggish, mentally retarded zombies over the high speed zombies of the remake. But I thought the newer zombies were a lot scarier. You can't just run by them and give them a good right cross to the jaw. Or throw a pie in their face!

The original was better in character development, and really driving home the isolation of this new world.

And of course in the original they showed the horror of being eaten alive.

The biggest advantage the original has over the remake is the creatures were real zombies. The real undead. Enough of this stupid virus stuff!
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