Dorm Daze (2003)
Loved this really funny movie
8 October 2003
I saw this movie a couple of weeks ago and I loved it. Then I went back and saw it again and loved it even more. It is really funny!!! There is so much going on and it goes so fast that you have to see it twice to get everything. What I really like about the story is that the jokes are not just one liners or fart jokes, it was funny because of the story and what happens to the characters. Like, the part of Tony played by Edwin Hodge - he is always in the wrong place at the wrong time and gets blamed and misunderstood. I can relate to that character because that happens to me at home a lot too. I also thought Danielle Fishel and Tatyana Ali were great. It's cool watching them alot on their T.V. shows Boy Meets World and Fresh Prince and then seeing them grown up in Dorm Daze. They are so hot! Patrick Renna and the Sherminator guy are fun to watch as brothers. It's fun seeing the Sherminator have a big part. I also think that James Debello, who played Bert in Cabin Fever, and was really funny in that movie, is really funny in Dorm Daze I can't wait till I graduate this year and go live in a dorm.
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