Review of Gozu

Gozu (2003)
David Lynch- eat your heart out
6 August 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Putting Gozu into words is an act of futility, it's more of a dream when you watch it. Fans of Miike's work will find this movie surprising, it's more of a twisted comedy, a cross between There's Something About Mary and Lost Highway and so it turns out to be something of a rarity.


The movie starts of normally (bar the killer yakuza dog and the killer yakuza car). Our hero, Minami (a fairly decent performance from Hideki Stone considering all the weirdness) has been asked to kill the, quite frankly mad but likable, Ozaki. With no intention of doing so he accidentally "kills" him anyway and that's when our hero starts tumbling down the rabbit hole. With (and spoilers approaching) , the most bizarre "child"birth ever thought and the weird old lady who runs the hotel obsessed with her breasts, the dreams Minami has about the person with the cow head (Gozu means cow's head in Japanese), the talking vagina, the list is end less (not to mention the hilarious yet revolting death by ladle inserted into the anus)

Gozu is not a traditional film and is most definitely not mainstream, hell, it might not make any sense at all, but there is something about this film that makes you feel drawn to it, like a Lynch film, the director respects the audience and there is a certain charm you get from the film.

I enjoyed Gozu and when comparing it with other films in it's genre (whatever the hell genre it is), Lost Highway, Erazerhead and Blue Velvet, I feel it makes a worthy, if not necessary, addition to the world of film.

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