The Truth is out there
28 June 2004
This documentary will spark two polar opposite kind of reviews. Republicans who dismiss it as all lies and propaganda (whether they've seen the movie or not), and Democrats who will say everything in it is fact and it exposes Bush for what he is (whether they've seen it or not).

The biggest criticism is that Michael Moore has an agenda. Yeah he does, but that doesn't mean he's lying. An extreme example would be if someone made a documentary about Hitler that was very anti-Hitler. That doesn't mean the documentary filmmaker lied about the concentration camps.

No matter what, one good thing that will come out of this movie is that it will open up debate, and people will hopefully open up their eyes and see the truth that is out there, not just what is told to them. I've always been like that, and I can't understand why everybody else isn't the same way. When Clinton said he didn't have sex with Lowinski, I was interview by CNN as a man on the street interview, and I said Clinton lied, and that there would be an impeachment hearing. Everyone thought I was crazy, and that's exactly what happened. Bush gives this really weak excuse as to why we're going to war with Iraq, weapons of mass destruction. Give me a break! I didn't believe it for a second! To anyone who did, I have a deed to the Brooklyn Bridge I'd like to sell to you.

Oh yeah, and another criticism of Moore is that he's exploiting 9/11 to make money. What documentary or news show doesn't try to make money?

One thing I think this documentary lacked was giving the reasons why these foreign countries hate us. You kind of got a feel for that when they show Iraqi people crying and yelling that their uncle's house just got blown up or the girl next door just got shot or whatever. The movie should have focused on the incompetent US foreign policy that led up to 9/11, and less time devoted to making Bush look like a clown (which apparently isn't difficult).

No matter how this film is viewed, it is a landmark documentary. What other documentary is number one at the box office during the summer. Blair Witch doesn't count! :)

Also, Moore could become a back to back winner of the Oscar for Best Documentary.
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