Comic Book: The Movie (2004 Video)
Waiting For Luke Skywalker
21 February 2004
This mockumentary had potential, but ends up being mostly unwatchable. The first strike against it was being shot using normal mini-DV. You think they'd at least try to do some kind of film look to make it look more professional.

The acting was way over the top. There's more beleivable performances in porno movies.

The Comic Con footage really made this look cheap. You kept thinking "O.K., here's Mark Hamill running around the Comic Con screwing around trying to get whatever footage he can".

The only good things in the movie was the mock history of the Courage superhero, and Kevin Smith's cameo. It's funny that Smith was making fun of his experience writing a draft of Superman. "They wanted him to fight a giant spider in the 3rd act. Because I lived in Jersey at the time, I didn't get it. Now that I live in L.A., I get it now".

What I kept thinking throughout watching this was "That was Luke Skywalker. He was in the biggest trilogy of all time. Harrison Ford is getting 20 million a movie, and he's screwing around with a video camera at a comic convention."

I predict in 20 years we'll have a video game mockumentary directed by Elijah Wood.
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