Review of I, Robot

I, Robot (2004)
Should have been more like Minority Report
2 August 2004
This movie would have been a lot better if it had the look and feel of Minority Report, and had Tom Cruise rather than Wil Smith. Or anybody other than Wil Smith. Smith is fine when he's playing it straight, but then there's a lot of scenes where he must have gotten confused and thought he was on the set of a Bad Boys movie, so he's throwing out a lot of "witty" one liners and acting all Fresh Prince.

The female lead reminds me of Sandra Bullock in Demolition Man.

Holes boy was barely in it. If you blink you'll miss him.

To the people who think that this is a prequel to Matrix (beleive me they're out there): It's a Fox movie, not Warner Bros. It's Issac Asminov source material, not Warsowski Brothers.
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