26 May 2004
Though many today look at the events of the 60's, in particular the anti-war movement, as something of a joke, there was true heart in what many of the activists tried to do. The weather underground were not your typical anti-war movement. To be exact, they opposed the war by bringing the war home, which is interesting. I wonder what would happen today if a group existed like the weather underground? Some would say they do, and point the finger at terrorist groups. To a certain extent, they MAY be right, but the cause has been totally distorted. These people thought they were onto something, but unfortunately due to the end of the war in Vietnam, their direction seemed pointless. In our world today, there is a need for a voice to be heard similar to the WU, but the problem exists in the intentions, and many would akin it to vicious acts of terrorism such as those of notorious terror factions. Most likely, anyone involved in society today in something similar would be either killed, executed on death row, or thrown into one of our interment camps. Just a thought though.
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