Excellent Documentary
9 February 2004
The Weather Underground

Documentaries became in some way the alternative cinema of choice is 2003 with the financial success of films like Bowling for Columbine, Winged Migration, and Spellbound. These films were all able to translate their Academy Award nominations into dollars at the box office. Following suit is The Weather Underground, which just picked up a nomination is the category of best documentary feature. The film retraces the story of a group of radical 60's activists who decided to become militant. They executed a series of bombings on strategic targets across the United States in an attempt to start a revolution that would overthrow the government.

It is a rare film that does not cause escape from reality, but instead forces you to take a closer look at it. The Weather Underground does just that. It is not simply a look into a radical homeland terrorist group. Through interviews with group members who have nearly 20 years between them and their heinous actions, you obtain wisdom only enclosed in hindsight. The film is very simple in its execution; no fancy editing, no dramatic re-enactments, just the story as it was. The film is a timeless example of the power of truth, no frills attached.

Overall Grade: A
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