Pretty good--for a sequel
15 July 2003
"Legally Blonde" didn't exactly cry for a sequel but we got one anyways. The plot is really silly and unrealistic...but if you can get over that you might enjoy yourself.

Reese Witherspoon is, once again, dynamic as Elle Woods. She's impossible to dislike and plays her character to the hilt...she doesn't make her too dumb, too smart or too sweet...she plays it straight down the middle which works. Also on hand is Luke Wilson (wasted again) as Elle's boyfriend and Elle's two hysterically funny best friends from the first movie. Also it's great to see Bob Newhart and Sally Fields back on screen again (Newhart is great--Fields is so-so).

Unfortunately, the script has severe problems. It has some truly funny lines and clever sequences--the Delta Nus "invasion" of Washington is worth the price of admission--but it also has more than its share of unfunny bits and dead spots--too many of them in fact. So, I seriously can't give it a full recommendation--just a partial one.

Best moments--the aforementioned "invasion" and a Republican senator who's an NRA spokesman admitting his dog is gay--and he loves him for it!
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