Review of School of Rock

13 February 2004
I just watched this movie yesterday. Jack Black was awesome, as he usually is, and they got some really good kid actors for the students especially Kevin Clark Alexander, who marvelously were also extraordinary musicians (or else could fake it REALLY well while they did an ass-load of dubbing). Either way, the music and acting was great. The plot, on the other hand.....not to say it was bad, it was just not quite as good as it could have been. There were quite a few parts I probably would have done differently, and a WHOLE lot of stuff that I totally saw coming, way too contrived. If it had been a little less predictable and had a little less lame story, it would have been a much better movie.

Overall main grievance: All of the funny lines from the movie were in the commercials, so I knew they were coming, which of course ruined the humor value of them. They should have at least left something to surprise us with.

Overall best point: The music. Jack Black rocks more than I thought he did.

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