Charly (2002)
A Heartfelt Film
28 August 2003
CHARLY is one of those movies that really don't care if it's seen as being too sugary. It is what it is, and those who enjoys its positive message of faith will certainly enjoy it, while those who shuns such feelings will certainly continue to shun it. Your enjoyment of the film depends on your level of awareness with yourself. Do you mock people who have faith? If so, then CHARLY is not for you.

As a standalone movie, CHARLY is a worthwhile film, with terrific performances by the two young leads. Although the female lead's unnatural-sounding dialogue gets a bit tedious in the beginning, her transformation from carefree city girl to worthwhile human being also makes her more affable. A good thing too, because her "city girl" dialogue is really, to put it mildly, atrocious.

A good movie, with a heartfelt message it wants to tell, and does. The ending is like many films with religious themes, so those familiar with the genre won't be surprised. Those who haven't delved into the genre, though, may be a bit shocked.

7 out of 10

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