Javier ya no vive solo (2002–2003)
Good but not great
22 August 2004
"Javier ya no vive solo" was a highly anticipated series because it was Emilio Aragón's comeback to fiction after the success of "Médico de familia". The result, however, left audiences cold and the series had a short life. After a mildly successful first season, they tried to boost the series' potential by including major changes in the plot (Javier changed his job from play school teacher to social worker). This didn't work either and TV viewers showed barely no interest in Javier's new occupation.

Not that the series was bad, I actually watched it every week on its first season, but I admit it lacked that little something that leaves you stuck to your TV season after season. I specially enjoyed watching Fernando Guillén Cuervo in a charming performance as Manu, Javier's best friend and roommate. I was less interested in the second season, since I felt it betrayed the essence of what the series was about in the first place.

Overall rating: 7/10
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