A real film document of a great event in the 50's!
2 November 2003
For the very first time I went to the cinema the day after to watch a movie a second time. And I am a swiss citizen living in Germany, so it cannot be patriotic feelings. This film is just a wonderful film document of the great victory of the German soccer team against the Hungarian on in 1954. My father was 20 years old at that time and he watched this historical match live on TV in Bale (Basel). He told me many times that the German team surprised everybody because nobody was in a doubt at the beginning of the world championship that the Hungarian team will win. So this 3:2 victory of the German soccer time was really a historical event and cannot be really compared with 1974 or 1990 where they became world champion as well. I deeply recommend my father to go to the cinema as soon as possible to watch this movie. According to the scenery shown in the film Matthias and Richard must have crossed the Alpes when driving from Essen to Bern. But in fact this is not necessary because Bern is located at the north side of this mountain chain. Nevertheless a wonderful film!
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